

Francisco I. Madero # 536
Colonia Del Prado
Cd. Reynosa, Tamaulipas

Telefonos / Telephone:

Consultorio / Dr´s Office
011-52 (899) 922-6755
Particular / Personal Ph.
 (899) 924-1087
Urgencias / Emergencies
(044-899) 936-0726

Consulta con Previa Cita / Previous appointment required


La neurocirugía es la especialidad médica que se encarga del manejo quirúrgico y no quirúrgico (incluyendo la educación, prevención, diagnóstico, evaluación, tratamiento, cuidados intensivos, y rehabilitación) de determinadas patologías del sistema nervioso central, periférico y vegetativo, incluyendo sus estructuras vasculares; la evaluación y el tratamiento de procesos patológicos que modifican la función o la actividad del sistema nervioso, incluyendo la hipófisis y el tratamiento quirúrgico del dolor.

Como tal, la cirugía neurológica abarca el tratamiento quirúrgico, no quirúrgico y estereotáctico de pacientes adultos y pediátricos con determinadas enfermedades del sistema nervioso, tanto del cerebro como de las meninges, la base del cráneo, y de sus vasos sanguíneos, incluyendo el tratamiento quirúrgico y endovascular de procesos patológicos de los vasos intra- y extracraneales que irrigan al cerebro y a la médula espinal; lesiones de la glándula pituitaria; ciertas lesiones de la médula espinal, de las meninges, y de la columna vertebral, incluyendo los que pueden requerir el tratamiento mediante fusión, instrumentación, o técnicas endovasculares; y desordenes de los nervios craneales y espinales todo a lo largo de su distribución.


Las enfermedades neuroquirúrgicas afectan sobre todo al cerebro, cerebelo, médula espinal y desórdenes del nervio periférico.

Las enfermedades tratadas por un neurocirujano como el doctor Diaz incluyen:

* Patología discal de la columna vertebral
* Patología degenerativa causante de lesiones compresivas de la médula y/o raíces nerviosas (mielopatía cervical espondilótica, canal estrecho lumbar)
* Patología de la circulación del LCR (hidrocefalia)
* Hernia de  disco intervertebral
* Tunel del carpo.
* Traumatismos craneales (hematomas intracraneales, fracturas del cráneo, etc.)
* Traumatismos de la columna vertebral y de la médula espinal
* Lesiones traumáticas de nervios periféricos
* Tumores cerebrales
* Tumores de la médula espinal, columna vertebral y nervios periféricos
* Accidente Cerebro-Vascular (Hemorrágico):
* Aneurisma Intracraneal
* Malformaciones Vasculares (Malformaciones Arteriovenosas, fístulas carotico-cavernosas, cavernoma)
* Hemorragias cerebrales
* Accidente Cerebro-Vascular (Isquémico)
* Enfermedad Estenótica extra e intracraneal
* Disección de Arteria Carótida extra e intracraneal
* Algunas formas de epilepsia resistente a fármacos
* Algunas formas de desórdenes del movimiento (enfermedad de Parkinson, corea, hemibalismo) - implica el uso de neurocirugía funcional o estereotactica
* Dolor intratable de pacientes con cáncer o con trauma del nervio craneal/periférico
* Algunas formas de desórdenes psiquiátricos graves
* Malformaciones del sistema nervioso
* Malformación de Arnold-Chiari
* Disrrafia del tubo neural (Encefalocele, Meningocele, mielomeningocele)
* Anomalías de la unión cráneo-cervical
* Médula anclada


A neurosurgeon is a highly trained specialist doctor who has a primary focus of addressing conditions affecting the peripheral nerves and the main nervous system. In other words, this type of doctor will work on areas of the body that include the brain, the spine, potentially the arteries in the neck, and the nerves in the body. Since the neurosurgeon is a surgeon, he or she is usually focused on surgical methods of treating disorders of these areas of the body, though these doctors may also consult on whether surgery is necessary, and they may perform other minimally invasive or non-surgical procedures as needed.

It’s commonly misunderstood that neurosurgeons only do brain surgery. Many of them do brain surgery on a regular basis, but actually some of the most common surgeries that these doctors do are on the spine. Both orthopedic and neurosurgeons can perform many different spinal surgeries, but orthopedic surgeons may have some limitations here. They can’t do surgeries within the dura or lining of the canal inside the spine. Only neurosurgeons are trained for this.
The neurosurgeon has also specialized in how to repair or work with the peripheral nervous system. This is the part of the nervous system that is not located inside the central nervous system. It is basically the connection between the central nervous system and the rest of the body, and carries messages from or to the central nervous system via nerves and messenger cells called neurons.

When nerves become cut or damaged, they can impair function. A condition like carpal tunnel syndrome damages nerves in the wrist and can result in loss of function and discomfort. It’s quite possible that a neurosurgeon could do surgery to help improve nerve function for carpal tunnel syndrome. Many other instances where nerves are impaired or even torn could involve neurosurgery to fix them.

Even though spinal surgery may be most common in neurosurgery, neurosurgeons certainly do operate on the brain. They can remove tumors or diseased brain tissue, and perform any number of surgical procedures involving the brain. One of the advantages to the present day neurosurgeon is the continued advancement of medical techniques. These have made many surgeries on the central nervous system greatly refined, and far more survivable. With development of minimally invasive techniques, tiny tools, robotic surgery and laser surgical methods, neurosurgery is a constantly evolving field that significantly contributes to the possibility of human wellness, even after grave illness or injury.